Sunday 3 April 2016

How I Lose my Holiday Weight ASAP!

First thing anyone that knows me and reads this post will say is What!! Which Weight!! Please leave us that have weight issues with our struggles oo. lol. I totally understand where they are coming from though, to them i look like the perfect weight, majority of my friends beef me that i'm a foodie and never pile on the pounds. haha. they say it's the person wearing the shoes that knows where they pinch and hurt.
me tryna compress the CHEEKS
Honestly i rarely have issues with my weight, as far as i'm concerned, my BMI (Body Mass Index i.e the ratio of your weight to your height) is perfect. My weight is usually between 50kg (lowest)- 59kg (highest), it fluctuates depending on my meals, diet, stress, etc. I have discovered that my weight almost enters the 60s on the scale, in fact i'm sure it enters this range during the holiday season (Christmas/New Year/Sallah/Easter), i just refuse to climb a scale during this period and remain blissfully unaware of the numbers *wide grin*
When i do add the weight it starts showing first on my face especially my cheeks (note i already have naturally full cheeks) and chin!!! and these parts are the ones that get to me! that's when u see me taking all my pics at angles!lol; then slowly my clothes get really tight and since i have no plans of changing my wardrobe, the weight gats to go. 
Last year i got kind of an early start on piling on the 'holiday weight' when we went for our honeymoon in Zanzibar, Tanzania. We had booked our hotels online and they were 'All-Inclusive' i.e the room rates included meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, room service, etc). Oh my days!!!!! I ate like a glutton and piled on the pounds mehn!! Before i could say jack i had a double chin and full rosssyyyy cheeks (people started asking if i was preggers). Funny thing is before we went on this vacation, we had done serious workout to get in shape and have 'beach bodies'.
post-holiday fuller cheeks
Post-Zanzibar round face
Anyway enough of my stories ba, here is how i get rid of the weight ASAP after the holidays are over:
  • Accept that it'll take some time to lose the weight
  • Accept that you'll loose some goodies in the process (i.e. boobs, ass) *tears*
  • Get ur family/friends on board-they'll motivate u n help/correct when u wanna cheat 
  • Join a support group (mine was SYTYCC fitness group); you can also use an app for this
  • Do not keep climbing the scale to see how much u've lost-You will be disappointed, instead measure ur weight loss by how ur clothes fit or by using a tape rule
  • Stay Motivated by all means (it helps to work towards a goal weight or a dress you wanna fit in by a certain time, etc.)
  • Meal plan, you can have a timetable or just make a list and cook from it. Planning ahead helps you not just reach for snacks,fast food or eat out so much
  • Track your Meals-You can keep a food diary or picture log
  • Stock ur fridge, freezer and pantry with the good/healthy stuff and snacks (Fruits, Veg, etc)
  • Snack addict (snack healthy-carrots,tigernuts,dates,cucumbers, plain popsorn, etc.)
  • Cook more instead of eating out especially veggies n protein meals
  • Eat less carbs (Rice, Pounded Yam, etc). Take smaller portions and take more of the Veg and Proteins
  • Cut out Soda & Fizzy drinks
  • Portion Control (I use small bowls to help measure what i eat, white plates also help after a while ur eyes can guage what is ok for you)
  • Eat smaller portions more frequently (easier for ur body to digest, don't overdo it) instead of one large portion that will send u to woonderland
  • Eat fruits
  • Don't overdo it, pace yourself and slowly but surely your body will start to adjust accordingly
  • Use the white house (toilet) regularly
  • Shower at night after eating (for me i feel more refreshed after a shower and get a few more hours awake for my food to properly digest)
  • DON'T go to bed IMMEDIATELY after eating
  • Drink lots of water (before and after a meal especially-you will visit the loo more often however)
  • Exercise;know what works for you-power walking, dancing, moving around doin diff activities(climb staircases), skipping, stretches, squats, situps, legups, house cleaning (that sweat is calories being burnt, don't underestimate it)
  • Keep a Workout Timetable (whatever ur form of exercise) to track your activities
  • Be active (move around more). Having a pedometer or smart band to track your steps keeps you motivated
  • Watermelons are your friend
  • Detox once in a while
  • Fasting (usually church prescribed but works for me)
  • Facial Exercises (supposed to help us with full cheeks; thank God for 'contour' sha)
'Regular weight' face
'Perfect wedding weight'{After 100day church fast}
I watch a lot of 'Fat Shows' on TLC and i learn from them, the habits to cut and how to be aware and control what you eat in order to reach/or maintain your desired weight instead of fighting to lose weight. Weight loss is hard especially after a certain stage, it is better to work towards not even reaching such a stage.
I maintain my current weight by cooking what i eat, portion control, indulging my sweettooth once in a while, being active and very little exercise (mostly walking, house cleaning and dancing).
Slow and Steady wins the race, just keep at it and eventually you will see results (clothes start getting loose, etc.). Hope this helps anyone that overdid 'small chops' during the Easter.
Please Share it! :)

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